Membership Club Hours Indoor Range 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM Outdoor Ranges Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - Legal Sunset (Except Holidays) Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 9:00 AM - Legal Sunset |
Know before you go. Click here and enter the club zip code of 97022 to find out what legal sunset time is today. |
You can see more than one month at a time but please be aware that only the current month is confirmed. Future months are not finalized/confirmed until the 10th of the prior month (i.e. February's calendar is finalized and confirmed on January 10th, March's calendar is finalized and confirmed on February 10th, etc.) Events listed in blue are open to the public with a nominal fee. |
Calendar Codes |
100/200 - 100 Yard Range Arch - Archery Range CH - Clubhouse DR - Dynamic Range Ind - Indoor Range LE - Law Enforcement LR - Long Range, all outdoor ranges closed. (Commonly displayed as known distance range to be used, e.g. 300 yd, 600yd, 300-600 yd, etc.) NRA - NRA Classes SC - Sporting Clays Silh - Silhouette Range TH - Trap House Trap - Trap Range TSB - Tactical Shooting Bay |